
Isolation Animals: The Bad

In the third and final part in our Isolation Animals series, we look into the negative effects of COVID-19 on animals. In keeping with this episode’s “bad news” theme, this episode was much harder to record and took much longer to get out than the others - one challenge being keeping up with news in rapidly changing situations.

Here, we discuss how COVID-19 is changing attitudes towards some animals, how changing human behaviour is affecting wildlife conservation, and how certain wildlife protections are being weakened.


Isolation Animals: The Good

Need some good news? In this episode, we discuss how lockdown is affecting wildlife - in good ways. From brighter bees to healthier hedgehogs, find out how animals might be making the most of this situation.

If all this episode feels one-sided, don’t worry…there’s more to come in our next episode.

This episode features audio from the Dawn Chorus project by BIOTOPIA and the Nantesbuch Foundation: https://dawn-chorus.org/. These audio recordings are from (links below):

The Lost Duck


Animalia goes into the "wild" to search for the rarest bird in Australia: the Tufted Duck. Along the way we discuss birding culture, what a "twitcher" is, and spot many, many birds... but do we find the Tufted Duck?

Episode features news segments from The Project.

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Conservation Special: Road Salts - Interview


Every winter, in the United States alone, more than 15 million tons of salt are spread over roads to remove ice. So what are the effects of all this extra salt on wildlife? In this episode, Dr Gareth Hopkins describes how increased salinity affects freshwater newts, and debunks a common myth about ‘environmentally-friendly’ de-icers.

Read more about Gareth’s research here: https://garethrhopkins.com/