
De-Extinction - Interview

The thylacine (or Tasmanian Tiger) was an Australian marsupial that looked a bit like a dog. In 1936, the last known thylacine died. But could we bring this species back?

In this episode, we chat with Dr Axel Newton about what made the thylacine dog-like, what made it unique, and how close we are to bringing this species - and others - back from extinction. We also ask the question: even if we could, should we?


Conservation Special: Road Salts - Interview


Every winter, in the United States alone, more than 15 million tons of salt are spread over roads to remove ice. So what are the effects of all this extra salt on wildlife? In this episode, Dr Gareth Hopkins describes how increased salinity affects freshwater newts, and debunks a common myth about ‘environmentally-friendly’ de-icers.

Read more about Gareth’s research here: https://garethrhopkins.com/